Thursday, January 7, 2021

Day 51 - Republic

Halfway through this challenge and I have nothing to say. Yesterday's events have left me speechless. I would back a 25th Amendment removal if Trump had not stated that he would leave in an orderly manner in two weeks. Any attempt to remove him would only further divide the country. 

I admit that I voted for him, thinking that he would bring business experience to the running of the government. I'm not saying that he didn't accomplish many things but his constant verbal diarrhea put everything in a shadow.

Would Hillary have done better? I doubt it. She just would have been horrible in different ways. I don't think anyone voted for either one of the candidates in the last election. I think most people voted against the one they distrusted the most.

Unlike some of the friends I've talked to I don't think the country is doomed or will fall to some bizarre revolution. We've had bad presidents before and we will have them again.

The Republic will persevere!

Make my day, tell a friend about this blog!

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