Wednesday, February 10, 2010

The Green Taliban

In case you missed Audi's Super Bowl ads here are some links.

Think this is funny? I don't. Green is the new Mean. The Taliban's message is "Agree with us and our sacred ways or we'll kill you!". The Greenie's god is the "environment" and their message is the same. The same myopia, the same distortion of facts. and the same fanaticism.

America has always been a country of inclusion but that seems to be all in the past. Americans have protected minority rights but now you have to be a minority in favor to be afforded any protection. Ride a trail bike and you are branded an eco-criminal. Try to share public land and you are blocked by legions of lawyers.

Chairman Mao had a vision of the perfect society. So did Adolph. Think the Monkey Wrench Gang is any different from the Gang of Four? Don't fool yourself and don't think it can't happen here. It has already begun.

A fanatic is one who won't change their mind and won't change the subject.
- Winston Churchill


  1. Blind faith is always troublesome. Seems a slight difference between the Taliban and the Green meanies as follows.
    Taliban want us to conform for religious reasons. I'm an atheist who doesn't want my life ruled by a mythical figure.
    Green meanies want to have an earth that is livable. Very tangible thing.
    But again the blind faith thing. Thinking and making conscious decisions is important vs just doing what we're told.
    Humans are getting much worse about just throwing things away and thinking they're gone. Nothing really goes away.
    Before you start to think i'm a nit wit... I drive a vintage land rover, and like to go off roading. We just do it responsibly rather than 100 mph tearing everything up.

    Anyway, I really enjoy your blog. Keep up the good work.

  2. Your point is well taken. For some of the Greenies I think the Environment has become a new religion. "Mother Earth", "Sacred Trust", anyone who doesn't agree with their Creed is the Devil.
    Riding a motorcycle (or driving a Land Rover) doesn't mean you don't care about the environment. I'd bet that most of the people who spout the rhetoric have never been out in the wilderness for more than a couple of hours before running back for their lattes..
