Thursday, December 24, 2020

Day 37 - Shopping

Went shopping again and this time it was a lot of fun. People were scurrying around smiling and making last minute purchases. One woman and I were looking at a pile of weird items in Home Goods. We started talking about buying things like these at the last moment for people we didn't really like all that much. The tech geek at work who kept the computer running, the woman at the gym who checked you in but rarely smiled. As we kept up the banter people were stopping and giving us that knowing nod that said, “Me too.” By now we were laughing out loud and getting silly. Great fun! It was good that people could laugh again.

The story that always comes to mind every Christmas is one that I'm a little ashamed of. I was shopping for ordinary things in a CVS store when I noticed a young boy looking over the items in the beauty section. He picked up things, considered them carefully, and put them back. A lipstick, some cheap perfume, and others.

I thought to myself, “Who shops for Christmas presents in CVS?”

Then it hit me, he seemed to have little money and was trying to find something in his budget. His mother? A sister? He seemed a little young for a girlfriend.

I could only surmise why he wasn't with someone to help him. The options didn't seem promising. I thought about going over and offering him some money to expand his choices but was afraid I'd only embarrass him.

I left the store humbled, having answered my own question. Who shops for Christmas presents at CVS? Someone who cares!

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