Thursday, February 17, 2011


This is the best video on YouTube!

Life's short. Let's get it over with!

A Harley I Could Love

The job search continues. Yesterday was a 6 ½ hour tag team interview. I was exhausted by the time I walked out but I think I'm going to make it to round 2.

Here's a video of a Harley I could love. I really like it that the owner has decided not to "restore" it. The fact that he actually rides it is another bonus.

Two phone interviews today. Stand back, my brain might explode!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Dual Sport Quiz

Please answer all questions honestly and keep a list so you can figure out your score at the end.

1) What is an MT21 ?

A) Tire
B) Missile
C) A mountain.

2) When using a roll chart, on which side of the handle bars is it best mounted ?

A) In the middle
B) Right hand side
C) Left hand side

3) When riding off road on gravel with fully inflated tires, is it best to ?

A) Lower air pressure
B) Add a little more air
C) Find an alternative route

4) When riding along a very narrow trail with a drop off to one side, is it best to ?

A) Send your riding buddy along the trail first to see how he does.
B) Slightly lean your bike away from the drop off side, while counter balancing your bike with your body weight.
C) Place the bike in neutral, and try to walk it out.

5) While riding in an event you notice a rider with a flat tire, do you ?

A) Stop to help them
B) Close your eyes and hope they go away
C) Mark their position on your roll chart so you can advise someone at the next check point

6) You're pulling the best wheelie of your life in front of a large crowd, when you notice that you're running out of road. Do you ?

A) Push the cut off switch on your bike
B) Pull in the front brake and push down on the bars
C) Roll off the throttle and apply a little rear brake

7) You're riding along some twisty country lanes, when you come to a Harley rider broken down. Do you ?

A) Stop to help them
B) Ride on by while laughing loud enough for them to hear you.
C) Stop and grab your cell phone to call your buddies up, so they can all come over and have a look

8) You've just fallen off your bike and it's leaking gas on to some dried out grass. Do you ?

A) Pour some water on to the leaked gas to help break it down
B) Set fire to it, and wait for it to fully burn off
C) Dig up some dirt and cover the grass over

9) You come to a road sign which reads. "Not recommended for motor vehicles, enter at your own risk" Do you ?

A) Turn around and find an alternative route
B) Knock the sign down, and wait for some unsuspecting motor home driver to come along.
C) Give your riding buddy the thumbs up and go for it.

10) You're riding along a forest service road when all of a sudden a cat sized rodent jumps out in front of you directly in your line of path. Do you ?

A) Swerve in to the direction the animal came from
B) Open the throttle and try to ride over the rodent
C) Slam on both brakes and hope for the best

11) You're all alone and 29 miles from your camp site in the middle of a forest when you get a rear flat tire. You don't have a spare tube or any way of fixing the flat, but you do have some duct-tape. Do you ?

A) Wrap the tape around the tire and wheel and ride back to camp at a slow pace.
B) Remove the rear tire and wrap the tape around the wheel rims, and ride back to camp at a slow pace
C) Throw the duct-tape at that Harley rider that just blew by you, you remember the one you didn't help from question 7.

12) Is it easier to ride a bike with a ?

A) Front flat tire
B) Rear flat tire
C) Remove the air from the non flat tire so both are flat and level

13) You've just rode 200 miles through a desert and our air filter is as clogged as a Dutch mans feet. You have done a quick filter clean with some gas from your gas tank, but need to oil it. Do you ?

A) Use some baby oil from your bag of toiletries
B) Use any remaining oil off of your chain drive
C) Use some oil from your engine

14) You're just about to ride a stream crossing. The stream isn't too deep but the bed is cover in rocks. Do you ?

A) Take your boots off and walk your bike across
B) Lean as far forward on the bike as you can to help keep the front down and ride across slowly
C) Keep your weight to the rear of the bike and ride across slowly

15) Which of these three items would you find more useful on an adventure ride ?

A) Cell phone
C) Hydration system

16) Is "neutral" classed as a gear ?

A) No
B) Yes
C) A little green light comes on my instrument cluster

17) A trail is totally water logged, the mud is 2 inches deep along the entire length of the trail. Which brake has the most stopping power ?

A) Front brake
B) I'd use the gears to slow down
C) Rear brake

18) You've just hit reserve and know you have enough gas for 18 more miles. You have just traveled 18 miles from your truck to get to the point you are right now all down hill. But you know there is a gas station 19 miles further down the moutain. Which direction do you go ?

A) Go off exploring
B) Back to the truck
C) To the gas station

19) Which of these items would you find most useful in the desert ?

A) Empty water bottle
B) Book of matches
C) Lantern

20) You're riding along and have a sharp pain in your chest. Do you ?

A) Pull over and take an aspirin
B) Start coughing
C) Ride to a phone booth.

21) When riding up a steep rocky hill which of these three choices do you use the least

A) Brakes
B) 2nd gear
C) Horn

22) You're 45 miles from home, one of these three items is just about to fail on your bike. Which one would you prefer to break ?

A) Sub-frame
B) Clutch cable
C) Head gasket


Receive 5 points for every "A" answer.
Take away 5 points for every "B" answer
Receive 2 points for every "C" answer.

0 to 10 ... You don't own a bike do you ?
10 to 20 ... How long you owned your Harley ?
20 to 25 ... Not bad, let's ride sometime
26 to 34 ... Way to go !!!! you know your stuff.
35 to 45 ... Not bad, not bad.
46 to 55 ... At least it's only time you wasted
55 to 110 ... Keep taking the meds please

If you score was 30 points .... EXCELLENT !!!!!!
Top Rating.

This quiz is just for fun.

Lucas Electrics

Here is some vital info for Brit bike fans. Stolen shamelessly as I try to prepare for a phone interview.


Positive ground depends upon proper circuit functioning, which is the
transmission of negative ions by retention of the visible spectral
manifestation known as "smoke". Smoke is the thing that makes
electrical circuits work; we know this to be true because every time
one lets the smoke out of the electrical system, it stops working.
This can be verified repeatedly through empirical testing.
When, for example, the smoke escapes from an electrical component
(like, say, a Lucas voltage regulator), it will be observed that the
component stops working. The function of the wire harness is to carry
the smoke from one device to another; when the wire harness "springs a
leak," and lets all the smoke out of the system, nothing works
afterwards. Starter motors were frowned upon in British motorcycles for
some time, largely because they consume large quantities of smoke,
requiring very large wires.
It has been noted that Lucas components are possibly more prone to
electrical leakage than Bosch or generic Japanese electrics. Experts
point out that this is because Lucas is British and all things British
leak. British engines leak oil, shock absorbers and hydraulic forks and
disk brakes leak fluid, British tyres leak air, and the British defense
establishment leaks secrets ... so, naturally, British electrics leak smoke.
>From the basic concept of electrical transmission of energy in the form
of smoke, a better understanding of the mysteries of electrical
components - - especially those of Lucas manufacture - - is gained by
the casual user.

Popsdageezer in CT

Rosko comments:
reminds me of the NOS "Lucas smoke replacement kit" that went on ebay a few years back:

Monday, February 7, 2011

Modern 2-Stroke

My head is going to explode from all the recruiter emails and phone calls. It seems the job market is hot, especially if you want to work in Cincinnati or Wisconsin. However, several realistic jobs appear on the horizon so I am hopeful.

While I'm working on the next medicine ball animation check out this article Herman sent to me. Two cylinders, four pistons, and SIX connecting rods! What is very cool is that a four cylinder engine can completely decouple two of the cylinders for zero loss when operating in economy mode. Check out the article here.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Medicine Balls - Exercise #3

 Most of my exercise yesterday was up on the roof again moving 2 feet of snow to the ground below. I credit a lot of the pain I don't have to these exercises. Your mileage may vary.

Today is another simple warm-up. I hold the ball at chest level then raise it above my head. From there I lower it to shoulder level behind my head. This loosens my shoulder and neck muscles and gets rid of the tension I get from holding the throttle when riding and from typing on a keyboard all day. Easy, and effective.

Need a web programmer?

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Medicine Balls - Exercise #2

Yesterday was spent exercising on my roof. In case you're not following the weather in New England we are experiencing unusually low temps and high snowfall. I had to shovel off the roof to make sure that it didn't cave in. If somebody mentions Global Warming to me I'm going to hit them with my snow shovel!

Today is another simple warm up exercise. I hold the ball above my head and then drop down while swinging the ball in an arc until it is between my ankles. Then I reverse and swing it back over my head. It's important to keep your back straight and not lean over any more than you have to. Simple and easy, it does the job without making you pass out.

Until next time, I'll be out shoveling some more.

Need a web programmer?

Monday, January 31, 2011

Medicine Balls - Exercise #1

It's been a while since I've posted. Let me tell you that looking for a job is tougher than having a job. Still looking but I have high hopes.

In the mean time I've spared no expense to get back into the swing of things with the medicine ball. Above you will see my hi-def, wide screen rendering of exercise #1. I actually tried setting up a video camera to take pictures of myself doing these exercises but the only result was a blue ribbon from World's Funniest Home Videos. And a lot of nasty comments from my friends.

This is a very simple stretching exercise. I start with the ball at my chest and then lower my shoulders until they are at hip height. I let my arms dangle totally relaxed short of dropping the medicine ball. Touching the floor is fine if you can do it but it's not a strict goal. DO NOT BOUNCE! You can pull a muscle instead of just stretching it.

Remember, these are not supposed to be hard. You will not feel like Charles Atlas when you are finished. The whole idea is to do 20 minutes a day of easy stuff and have a good time doing it.

Cheers, I'm glad to be back.

Need a web programmer?

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Medicine Balls - Part Deux

Back again after some snow shoveling and weather whining.

There is an old joke about a guy who goes to the doctor and tells him that it hurts whenever he pokes his ribs. The doctor tells him to stop poking himself and the pain will stop.

Starting off with a medicine ball is going to exercise some muscles and ligaments that haven't been used in a while. They're going to get sore. Sore is OK, pain is not! If you feel real pain stop and think about it. Do you need a lighter ball? Do you need to do few reps as you start? Do you need to go see your doctor?

The first 2-3 weeks are going to seem to be going in reverse. You'll be surprised by the number of places you have muscles you never knew about. You'll feel worse, not better but it's actually a good thing. First, it means that you're making progress and, second, as long as it's not pain it means that you are in shape to improve.

The Great Medicine Ball Handbook: The Quick Reference Guide to Medicine Ball Exercises

What I'm about to describe is what I do each morning, YMMV. If you got the book you can follow along.

I should mention reps. How many should you do? I think a better question is, "How many do you want to do?" Is your goal to achieve tone or to build muscle? How much time do you have? My opinion is that the discipline of a regular schedule is more important than any specific count. If you try for 50 but only do it occasionally you will accomplish nothing. You will only irritate yourself and the ball will end up at the Goodwill store. Some days I only do 6 reps of each exercise, others I do 20. Better to do some small amount and stay on schedule than to skip a day. You will never make it up! If you say you will do this every other day then don't go to bed until you have done it on that day. The number of reps will sort themselves out as you go along and you'll figure out what meets your goals and time constraints. If you find that you're doing a really high number of reps then it's time to get the next heavier ball. I'd suggest starting at 6 reps each exercise and then increasing by 1 until you feel you're being challenged but not killing yourself.

Warming up and stretching is crucial. On the other hand if I did all the warm-ups in the book I would never get to the exercises.

1. I hold the ball at chest level and then bend over until my back is parallel with the floor. I let all my muscles relax and let the ball dangle from my hands. This stretches out my butt, back and shoulder muscles. I count to 8 and straighten up. Like page 28 except that I start at my chest.

2. Ball over my head I squat and swing the ball in a straight armed arc until it's between my feet. I keep my back vertical while I do this. It stretches my legs and arms and gets the blood moving.

Next time, I'll put together the exercises that are the core of my workout.

Need a web programmer?

Monday, January 3, 2011

Medicine Balls

Did you get your ball yesterday? I didn't think so. But I will continue in hopes that somebody out there will listen. Think about your last long ride, did you come home with sore and cramped muscles? Were the lap times at your last race or track day a lot better at the beginning than at the end? If true, your muscle tone and endurance are not where they should be.

So you need to get the ball AND the book. I'm no Phys-Ed guru, just a guy who's trying to pass on what worked for me.

The Great Medicine Ball Handbook: The Quick Reference Guide to Medicine Ball Exercises

The Great Medicine Ball Handbook is all you need. Michael Jespersen, Andre Noel Potvin know a lot more about this stuff than I do. The booklet is under $10 and has lots of pretty pictures of the exercises.

Buy it at your local book store or order it online and tomorrow I'll tell you which exercises (and how many) worked for me.

Need a web programmer?

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Speaking of New Year's Resolutions ...

This is the season for everyone to jump on their shiny new Nordic Track or Stair Master or some other sort of silliness that will end up on eBay by next summer. Everyone starts off with high hopes and good intentions and then fails miserably.

My theory is that they all try too hard. They turn it into some sort of mighty sprint to results, get depressed when the results don't develop on schedule, and then find some (any) excuse to give up. It's almost as if they wanted to pull a muscle so that they could quit.

Motorcycling takes muscles. Unless you're an E-Z-Boy cruiser rider you know that a few fast turns on the road or a couple of hills on the trail can give you quite a workout. If you live in the snow belt it's all the worse because you sit all winter and then go out and beat yourself up because you had been sitting all winter.

I'll propose a simple and economical procedure for staying in shape and thereby increasing your fun. It's that old standby, the medicine ball. That should bring back fond memories of horror from your public school days. Seriously though, it is something that has worked for me for many years.

Bally 5lb. Pearlized Weighted Ball

I originally got started with one when a friend suggested it as a way to get rid of the chronic pain in the shoulders and neck that I got from being hunched over a computer all day. Add the stress of constant deadlines and it was a prescription for pain. Much like the pain I get from a long road ride while keeping the throttle open with my right hand.

To get started:
1. Get a ball. Since you're a Manly (Wo)Man you'll certainly want to start BIG. DON'T! That is the surest way to failure I can think of. Better to save your money and spend it on a beer and some Advil.

Even if you feel that you're in tip-top shape start with a 4-6 pound ball. The 4 pounder is a nice size that won't pull anything and will let you develop the most important part of any plan; the discipline of doing it every day (or whatever your schedule is). Just like the Nordic Tracks that end up on craigslist, the medicine ball will not help if it sits on the shelf.

Start with a light ball and get in the habit of working with it on a regular schedule. It's cheap ($8-15) and as you develop you can always work up to a 8 or 10 pound ball. It will come in handy when you restart your regime after your vacation or other hiatus

Just as important as the weight is the size. Some are as small as 5", others are as big as a basket ball. Pick one that you can easily hold on to. For the lighter weights I like the small size and for my heavy ball I like the basket ball size.

Every local sports store has them so go pick one up today and tomorrow I'll talk about actual exercises.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

New Year's Resolutions

  1. Ride More
  2. Fall Less
That's pretty much it! A new job would be nice but that would just be so I could implement the above. Life is simple, people make it complicated!

Happy New Year!

Friday, December 31, 2010

End of the year - End of an era

You may not have noticed but Kodak stopped producing Kodachrome last year. Yeah, me neither since I was shooting Illford for b&w and Fuji for color back then. Today, the final roll of Kodachrome will be processed at Dwayne's Photo in Kansas. The last of the specialized chemicals were poured into the processor and at the end of today it will be all over.

I switched to digital a year ago. The final nail was the Canon D7 which matched my wish list and tore me away from my EOS-1v hs. It is certainly nice to be able to pack a whole day at the track onto a pair of 16gig chips rather than have to change rolls every 36 shots (which the motor drive could blow through in 4.5 seconds).

If you are really despondent you can always order the t-shirt from Dwayne's Photo.

Here is an excellent article on the history of Kodachrome by the NY Times.


Thursday, December 30, 2010


Help Us Stop the Secretary that Would Steal Christmas!

Dear BRC Members and Supporters,
Just one day before Christmas Eve 2010, Secretary of Interior Ken Salazar announced that he had signed an Order that seeks to embed a Wilderness review in every component of Bureau of Land Management (BLM) planning, creating a unique status for Wilderness different from other multiple uses in BLM management.  Secretarial Order No. 3310 and Draft Wilderness Inventory Manual
The order appears to be one of the best Christmas gifts any Wilderness activist could hope for.  The timing was no accident.  Secretary Salazar's new order came just after the Lame Duck Congress adjourned, having failed to pass the massive Public Lands Omnibus Bill--a package that would have created millions of acres of new Wilderness, openly supported by the Secretary.  It was no accident the Order was announced after legislators had gone home for the holiday.  It was no accident that none but Wilderness insiders and their media outlets knew about it until the last minute.  And, it was certainly no accident that at the ceremony, the Secretary was standing right next to peolple like Peter Metcalf, CEO of Black Diamond Equipment, and that the ceremony itself took place at the REI Building in Denver - a virtual altar scene for Wilderness worshippers.
You have every reason to fear under-handed tactics even more suspicious than those attempted by some of their lame duck legislative allies.  Wilderness activists will likely try to use Secretary Salazar's Order to further paralyze meaningful BLM travel management and to create millions of acres of new Wilderness.
For decades, Wilderness activist groups have applied constrictor-like pressure on the BLM regarding Wilderness issues.  Some of BRC Legal's finest moments have come in rejecting those efforts, most notably the dismissal of the infamous SUWA case in Utah District Court on BRC-USA All's motion, eventually upheld by a 9-0 thumping in the U.S. Supreme Court.  Sadly, this looks like another inside job in the offing, through which anti-access interests seek to seize a window of political opportunity to again squeeze BLM into a never-ending, ongoing Wilderness inventory and management scheme.
The Order is as complex and convoluted as any validly promulgated law or regulation.  Its meaning is not readily apparent and will likely be determined by the courts.  Our staff has conducted an initial review, which is summarized at
We are not naïve enough to proclaim what Secretary Salazar's Order will ultimately mean.  However, we can fairly predict what Wilderness activists outside and within BLM will say it means.  They will try to use it as a landmark tool to close long-traveled routes on BLM land, not unlike they did with the Clinton-Gore Roadless Rule.  History also teaches that, while all other users of BLM lands and the economies supported by them will be affected, the trail users and advocacy groups like BRC are likely to be at the point of attack (if not standing alone) in meaningful opposition.
This opposition will require a lot of time, effort, coordination and skill.  It will require BRC, partners and stakeholders to be at their best.  And it will cost money.  I would love to wax eloquent about skinny David slaying wealthy Goliath, but I hope over the years you've learned better.  You know Secretary Salazar's friends did.
We hope you will consider an end of year donation to help us fund this important fight.  If you've completed your giving for tax year 2010, please put this issue on your list of campaigns to consider supporting in 2011 - and beyond.

Greg Mumm
Executive Director
BlueRibbon Coalition
208-237-1008 ext 101
PS: Currying political favor through public lands policy is not what Congress intended when it established the agencies that manage our public lands.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Getting Your Bearings - Part 2

Yesterday I wrote about why you need to check your wheel bearings and how to do it.

Today I'm going to pass along two references on how to do it. Dan has an excellent chapter on wheel bearing replacement. He correctly cautions that if you bang on them to get the old ones out, throw them away. They are precision items that can be destroyed by impact. This is true of the new ones you are going to install.

Check out the YouTube video above if you want to see how it's done first hand.

Take your time and it's easier than you think.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Getting Your Bearings

This is what happens if you don't replace your wheel bearings in a timely manner. Notice the side-of-the-road environment. Actually I was lucky because as the bearings began to fail I was barreling down the freeway in the midst of a lot of traffic. Fortunately I had plenty of warning as the back wheel began a slow but persistent wobble that gave me time to bail out.

The main reason that most people don't think about wheel bearings is that they rarely fail and that they are perceived to be hard to replace. Compared to changing spark plugs this is generally true. Compared to being stranded on the side of the road with a bike you can't even push this is not so true.

Diagnosis: First, with the wheel off the ground, rotate the wheel a few turns and see if you can feel any resistance. If there is even the slightest "grinding" or "crunchy" feel to it you need go no further. Time for new bearings. You may need to take off the drive chain on the rear wheel to properly feel the bearings.

Next, grab the wheel at 3 o'clock and 9 o'clock and see if you can move it back and forth. That is, can you push at 3 and pull at 9 and get any movement? Try again at 12 o'clock and 6 o'clock. Get a friend to hold the handle bars when you test the front wheel.

Still OK? Now check the odometer. More than 30,000 miles or more than 2 years on a dirt bike and it's time. Sure, your buddy had a 1964 Wackistan Zoomer that he's never changed a thing on but so what. Bearings, like tires, should be considered a consumable items.

Now comes the hard part; Changing the bearings. Or is it? Just because you've never done something and it seems pretty mysterious doesn't mean that it's impossible or even that difficult if you're patient.

First, find the size of your bearings. It will be something like 10x35x11 and will be etched into the side of the bearing. This means ID:10mm x OD: 35mm x W: 11mm. Bearings are all standard and you can buy them online or at a local bearing specialty supplier. Every town of any size has at least one. Tell them that you want sealed bearings for motorcycle wheels and they can match you up at ~¼ of the dealer price. The same place may also carry the seals you need, otherwise get them from the dealer.

Don't be bashful about going to a bearing supplier. I paid dealer prices for years because I thought those places only wanted to deal with big time customers. Actually, I think they enjoy hearing about my attempts at restoring bikes. Many of them ride bikes too and I've always found them ready to help.

Tomorrow: How to actually change the bearings.

Monday, December 27, 2010

What You Listen To - Rich's Suggestions

Rich sent in these suggestions:

KEXP Seattle is great. You can listen via Web here:
They also play it for a few hours in the morning on 91.5 in the NYC area.

88.3 WBGO is a Newark jazz station Also great.

There is also Fordham Radio 90.7 Alternate Side at night plays chill, weird stuff.

Anyone else want to add a favorite?

Sunday, December 26, 2010

The Rest Of The Days Of Christmas

While I was off the grid David M sent in these suggestions to help me out. He is hereby nominated to be one of Santa's elves.

Motion Pro Gear Jammer

Tusk 3-Way Mini T-Handle Wrench Tool Kit - 1/4" Drive

Tusk 6 Way Spoke Wrench

Tusk Clutch Holding Tool

Tusk Y-Box Wrench

Tusk Y-Allen Wrench 4mm, 5mm, 6mm, 8mm

The compact tools work well for a travel pack of tools

While Dennis Kirk, Chaparral, and Bike Bandit get a lot of press, Rocky Mountain seems to be under the radar for a lot of people. I've used their parts and tools for years with very good results. Their prices are usually below the others for the same or similar items. The quality is first rate with one exception.

I once bought the A.R.C. house brand off-road jacket and pants and was disappointed. The price was 1/3 of an equivalent MSR or Thor outfit and all I can say is that I got everything I paid for. I ended up giving them to a friend who had nothing and he wore them for quite a while but I went back to the old standards.

Tusk tools, parts, accessories = good. A.R.C clothing = buyer beware.

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry Christmas

From our house to yours.

I've been off the grid for a while for a lot of reasons I won't bore you with. Things are back to normal here so don't give up on me yet.