Two auctions that are coming soon in New England are the RER Motor City in Monroe, CT and Bettencourts in Bridgewater, MA. Of special interest at the RER auction are 2 '04 HONDA Dream 50R racers. These are specially created bikes to commemorate Honda's 50th anniversary and are replicas of the CR110 factory racer.
This could be your big chance to get one if you've ever wanted one. My guess is that they'll go for ~$2500 or half of original price.
Bettencourt's auction is different. This is an old line dealership that was very prominent in the '70's dirt bike scene. Now Dave has cancer and is cashing out to pay the bills. Life is certainly not fair. However, the collection is amazing and has both breadth and depth. How many people have multiple CBX's sitting next to Nortons and Bultacos? Just to look at the pictures is to see a history of the motorcycle industry.

I'll be at the Bettencourt auction. All I ask is that you don't bid against me on the XL600L. Buy one of the other bikes and help raise money to help Dave beat Leukemia.
Info and photos are here:
RER Motor City - 18 Nov
Bettencourts - 21 Nov
One of the cooler things about the Bettencourt auction is that most of the bikes are listed as basically project bikes, unlike many auctions where "concourse" class collectibles are what's on the block. Meaning that the prices should end up in a very good range for a lot of people, and perfect for those looking for a winter project.