Thoughts about motorcycles, tools that work (or don't), travel, and occasionally politics. Places I've gone, routes that were special, and food I've found along the way. And, thankfully, not too much of any of it.
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Doing anything for Halloween tonight?
Halloween Dirt-Deth Rally in Brooklyn
All the details are here.
4-10p tonight. RSVP on the web page.
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Halloween Movie Review
It's almost Halloween so it must be time for a zombie movie. My vote goes to Zombieland. 4 stars out of 5. Why not 5 stars? Because Jesse Eisenberg is a jerk!
What's with this new wussy, irritating, boy, anti-hero thing? And who, in their right mind, thinks he is ever going to get a girl like Emma Stone? Trust me, she would rather hang out with one of the zombies before going out with this whiny, sniveling guy. When he finally gets his act together to go save her, he jumps on a motorcycle and crashes 12' later. If I was Woody Harrelson I would have shot him right there.
So it lost a star but it's still good fun. Not a slasher movie but not a spoof movie either. Go see it.
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
The best motorcycle commercial of all time!?
Monday, October 26, 2009
Tool tip
Harbor Freight has soda blasters for $99.99 here.
Eastwood has a similar unit made in the USA for $409.99 here.
Unless you think you're going to be blasting away every weekend here is a do-it-yourself plan for making one out of common tools you probably already have. You could make one, try it out and then decide if it's good enough or whether you want to buy a more professional rig.
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Two motorcycle auctions you should know about
Two auctions that are coming soon in New England are the RER Motor City in Monroe, CT and Bettencourts in Bridgewater, MA. Of special interest at the RER auction are 2 '04 HONDA Dream 50R racers. These are specially created bikes to commemorate Honda's 50th anniversary and are replicas of the CR110 factory racer.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Fall ride in Northeastern CT
Monday, October 19, 2009
Cafe Racer Movie In Brooklyn
Cafe Racer Magazine will be showing the movie "Cafe Society" at Smith and Butler.
Thursday, October 29,
Smith Butler,
225 Smith Street,
Brooklyn, New York
6 until 9 p.m. with a question and answer session to follow.
Rock On!
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Spring Giro News Already!
I drove the Saturday Giro route with brother Doug the other week checking mileages, I must say he has put together some great roads. They are mostly town and county roads with a few runs on state roads to let you catch your breath. There aren't any huge mountains to climb like Lincoln Gap or Mt Greylock so the course is "little bike" friendly. The course does take you over hill and dale thru beautiful woods and farmland. A couple of the roads are part of the Taborton Loop. http://www.motorcyc routes/NorthEast /NY/NY_12. shtml
I think the best way to describe the route is this way; think of your favorite back road to ride, now imagine it goes on for 135 miles with a great lunch stop in the middle, that's Saturday's route. So put April 30th-May 2nd on your calender for the spring Giro, don't miss this one. Also, all your friends who are on the fence about riding a Giro, give them a push, they have all winter to get a bike for it. Geoff
To repeat, the dates are 30 April - 2 May. Mark your calendars.
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Motorcycle swap meet in CT
November 1st in Stafford Springs, CT
Friday, October 16, 2009
Sprocket calculator rates high with
I wrote it to help sort out the variables when we go racing. Now I should go back and polish it up a bit.
Take a look and try it out. Suggestions are always encouraged! Google it to help my numbers or use this link.
Thursday, October 15, 2009
How the mighty have fallen
Harley-Davidson Inc.'s third-quarter earnings dropped 84%, as the motorcycle maker continued to suffer from weak sales during the economic downturn.I have long said that HD needed to start making motorcycles again and stop making cartoons on two wheels. The XR1200 is the only new product that is actually rideable. All the other new bikes seem to be parts bin creations created for the wanna-be crowd.
The company also said it will discontinue its Buell product line and divest itself of its MV Agusta unit as part of its turnaround strategy.
Too bad Erik's bikes are going down with the rest of them. At least he went out with a Blast. Check out the videos in the last Buell Blast ad.
Here's a link to a SuperBikePlanet report.
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Dirt Ride Magazine Offer
Since I would consider anyone reading this blog to be a friend I'll happily sign you up if you send me the cash. To make it real easy just send me $5.80 (80 cents to cover the PayPal fee) by PayPal and I'll add your name to the list. Use the email address and make sure you include the address you want it sent to.
As Mr. Rodgers used to say, "Wouldn't you like to be my friend?"
Monday, October 12, 2009
Ride report
I passed the Bach Door in Chaplin and noted the usual 60 odd cruisers parked in the lot. This is the favorite hangout of the "Let's drink beer and make a lot of noise" crowd. Nice enough people the few times I've dropped in but not my scene generally.
Lots of colors and sunbeams later I arrived at The Vanilla Bean. Only 50 or so bikes here but there was every type of bike from vintage cafe to modern naked, full dress cruisers to full on rockets. More noise from people talking and laughing at the outdoor tables than from revving engines and shorty exhausts.
From there it was on to We-Lik-It ice cream stand. This was obviously a ride to fill the inner soul. However, the line was long and the servers slow so I decided to move on. Days are short and I'd rather be riding.
On the way back I remembered Murphy's Drive In on Rt 66 in Windham. Tina at Burt Ives Honda had recommended it so I stopped by for my ice cream fix. I talked to Casey who bought the place early this year. Bad time to buy a restaurant he said but he's committed to making a go of it. I must say it's a lot better than when Murphy built the place a couple of years ago. Better food and much better prices.
Saturday, October 10, 2009
MMM Dinner next Thurs.
Obviously, anyone and everyone motorcycle-ish is invited. Bring a friend. RSVP not required.
Friday, October 9, 2009
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Burning Man Pictures
As some of you may already know, I traveled to Black Rock City, Nevada this year to experience and photograph the Burning Man Festival that takes place in August every year. It was a wonderful adventure and I wanted to share the images I've prepared from such an overwhelming week. When you get a moment to dive into a one of a kind experience- although this is just a taste of the works of art that evolve from this city of creative and wild people.
The wanna-be's linger around at Burning Man, but you can feel some of them working their way into the scene. Then a few here and there are looking for the nudity and some probably don't even know what they are looking for/at and probably go home with a natural lobotomy. But we forgive them- and there are only a few.
Check out:
and enjoy!
(don't forget to scroll right to view images)
I hope this comes as a fun and surprising break in your day.
Feel free to pass this along to anyone who might be interested.
If you have any questions or comments about any of it, I'd love to hear from you. : )
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Tiddler II report from Jen
I cant say enough about how awesome it is to take part in the Tidder
Seems to me this event embodies what Vintage Moto enthusiasm is all
Keeping these vintage beauties alive and running
Hearing the pitter patter
and rumblings
of various engines.
Getting to enjoy the bikes on carefully selected scenic New England
Feeling the flutter of excitement in your chest
swooping around curves
crossing metal bridges
and train tracks.
Passing through shadows and beams of sunlight.
Smelling wet leaves
and 2 stroke mix in the air.
Following the route
looking out for road signs
and watching the miles.
Seeing how the person in front of you takes that corner
-and one of my favorites-
watching that graceful sideways dance
as it looks like they just SWOOP
and FOLD into a turn.
I love that!
Talking shop
and kicking tires with like minded fellows.
Getting inspired by projects,
and the various goings on.
And Eating Yummy food to boot!
Even the stuff that happens
when your bike keeps dying
as you see the others powering onward
and it gets all quiet
there by the side of the road
What could it be?
Thinking of the mechanics
and what makes these bikes go
when It can be as simple as running out of gas.
even pushing a bike up a long hill
and asking bewildered passers by
"is Parmalee road up here somewhere?"
Its all part of what makes it special.
And all that being said
the generosity that comes out of pure enthusiasm for these bikes
as exhibited by the Brauns
and the Ropers
is the topper of it all.
So thats a very long way
of saying something very simple:
In one word - YEAH!
and in another - THANKS!
Looking forward to next time
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Initial post
- I'm moving my domain which means the email list will no longer be hosted.
- Nobody but me has added anything to it in quite a while.
- I was ready to try something new.