Monday, November 30, 2020

Day 14 - Stupid Magazine Articles

I just saw a review of the new Honda 125cc Trail Bike in Cycle News. I used to have one of the original 90cc versions from the '80s. About as simple a machine as you can get. 2 wheels, 1 engine, plus a seat and handlebars. It will go anywhere and if you get stuck it's so light you can just pick it up and carry it out of trouble.

This is a bike for hunters, campers, and people who like to fish while being quiet enough to never disturb the Green Taliban. In other words, it's for everyone who wants to go farther into the woods than they care to walk. It's a mild mannered machine for people who want a capable motorcycle and are not bothered by their image. The kind of people who often bungee-cord a milk crate to the rack to carry their stuff.

So what does Cycle News do? They show pictures of it flying into the air over jumps and doing wheelies. The last thing that any actual buyer would be doing with such a machine.

I find this really irritating. Why do publications feel they need to show bikes and riders doing hooligan things when they so rarely do in real life. Worse, they seem to be encouraging people to do such stunts which only further tarnishes the image of the motorcycle community.

To me this is just plain and simple arrogance, and I wish they would cut it out!

Make my day, tell a friend about this blog!

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