Thursday, August 19, 2010

Video Of Beth Running

Here's a video of Beth starting her run. The starter had to run over and put down her face shield because she was holding the throttle and the clutch. Then she was off and the Chevy was no match for the Mighty Moriwaki. She was just flatout gone!

Her speed was 93.2mph - Tomorrow morning we are going out early (6:00am) to catch the cool air and try to break 100mph.


  1. That's great. Go Beth Go! Nice work you two.

  2. That's cool! I bet Beth was stoked on the speed and looking forward to even faster this morning. Look forward to hearing how things went this morning!

    What is the speed record for your class?
    How is your class different from what you thought you would be running?

    Did the guys with the old S90 motor running methanol make it to Bonneville?

    As Jason has said, "Go Beth Go!"
