Monday, February 15, 2021

Day 84 - Vectors

Visualize a knob that you could turn to indicate how you felt. Zero = apathy. 10 = engagement. Better, imagine that you could turn it in the opposite direction from 0 to -10 to show repugnance. 10 for like, 0 for don't care, -10 dislike.

Expand the scale to 100. 100 = love, 0 = couldn't care less, -100 = hate. Not romantic love but attraction or interest. Positive is interest, negative is detest.

Think of the vast domain of things that this scale could be applied to: people, places, things, …

BBQ ribs = 89, cauliflower = -20.
Bruno Mars = 27, Eazy-E = -74.

Consider a sphere. At the origin there is an infinity of directions an arrow could point. For every direction from the origin there is an opposite direction. For the north pole, there is the south pole opposite it.

Let us postulate that the length of the arrow is analogous to our -100 < 0 < +100 scale. Zero is the origin of the sphere. Thus, anything can be represented by an arrow and a set of coordinates. For taste, BBQ ribs is a long arrow in one direction, while cauliflower is a short arrow in the opposite direction. Perhaps, squash is an arrow of zero length in the same direction.

This arrow can be described in a 3-dimensional model by stating values for x, y, and z coordinates. Another way to describe it would be to state the radial distance (length of the arrow) plus the polar angle and the azimuthal angle (direction of the arrow). In math terms: r, θ, φ.

More on this tomorrow!

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