Monday, February 8, 2021

Day 77 - Dragons

On the map it says, “Beyond This Place There Be Dragons”. Some would say, “Dragons mean trouble. Best to stay home.” Others would say, “What place is that to stay away from?” A few will wonder, “What kind of dragons might there be?”

A traveler comes by and tells all that over the far ridge the grass is purple. One person replies that he's a damn fool, everyone knows that grass is green. Another remarks that since the traveler has been there and the rest of them haven't, they should take him at his word. That the grass on the other side is different and purple, and since they aren't going there, what difference does it make?

A couple of people venture out and travel over the ridge to see the purple grass. One of them sets up Purple Grass Tours to take people to see the odd colored vegetation. Only a few bob, all meals included.

There is one person that, seeing the purple grass, strikes out to find out what color the grass is beyond the next ridge.

Which person are you?

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