I have a
S.P.O.T. Gen 3 device. I have no idea what S.P.O.T. stands for. Probably the inventor's children's initials or maybe something a bright marketing type dreamed up.
What I do know is that if my butt is in a jam this is what will save it. It's a satellite GPS signalling device that works in all of the places a mobile won't. The three buttons across the bottom are for a short message, tracking breadcrumbs, and an "I'm OK" message.
Trip up to the RotoPax company |
On a trip I turn it on as I begin my ride and it sends out little breadcrumbs you can follow on a map. It will also highlight the I'm OK messages. This is important because if the track doesn't move for a while and there is no I'm OK message it may well mean that I'm in the bottom of a canyon and
NOT OK! I usually send the I'm OK when stopping for lunch and at the end of the day.
You can watch the fun by following this link to see my daily location updates:
(If the link doesn't work, try copying and pasting it to your browser's address bar.)
There are two other buttons:
Help and
S.O.S. Help sends a request to a list of friends to check where I am and send appropriate help.
The S.O.S. button is the
OMG button. This means
Send Lawyers, Guns, and Money! The shit has hit the fan. It connects to a global search and rescue company that will marshall the appropriate resources
anywhere in the world and come get me. In addition, they will pay for the helicopter, medical aid, and anything else required to save my sorry ass. Not cheap but better to pay up front than trying to negotiate with some yak driver in Siberia while laying under my bike with a broken leg.
If you click the
S.P.O.T. home page you'll see their latest device, the Spot X. Why don't I use one of those? For the same reason I don't have a FakeBook account or an Instagrab account. This blog, for a few friends, is as social as I get. I'm going out into the middle of the desert to get away from people and enjoy some stress free peace and quiet, not carry them in my back pocket.
No offense ...
Make my day, tell a friend about this blog!