Wednesday, November 3, 2010

$20 Swingarm Stand

Snagged this off the NYC VinMoto list.

While perusing the internet I found a really cool article on how to make your own Swingarm Stand for $20. This is specifically for the sv650 but looks like it can be adapted. 

Credit goes to Doug Roever from the SV Rider list for this great idea. Also to Seth from NYC VinMoto for forwarding it.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Vote Today !!

Vote for whomever you want but vote today! I would like my favorites to win of course, but I'd rather lose to an informed electorate than win by indifferent default.

Today - NOW - Vote Like A Motorcyclist!

Let them know that You Ride and You Vote


Sunday, October 31, 2010

Good Friends and Great Friends

An old joke goes, "A good friend will post your bail. A great friend will be sitting next to you saying, 'That was fun!'"

Air bubbles in the upper injection line
When you you call for motorcycle advice, a good friend will patiently go over all the possible causes, effects, and remedies. A great friend will show up on your doorstep with manuals and special tools, and spend a couple of hours working on your bike with you.
Thanks Paul!

Nov 2 - Vote Like A Motorcyclist!


Saturday, October 30, 2010


Generally I think the MythBusters are a bunch of weenies who use bad science and twisted logic to be entertaining. However, I recently saw them rebuke the BMW tablecloth ad.

Granted that they seem to be using a Buell instead of the BMW S1000RR but the run up with all the cable seems to negate that. However, by making everything lighter they do reduce friction but they also reduce the mass and, hence, inertia of the resting objects. That's where there science gets a little lite.

No matter what or where the truth is in all this, the fact is that BMW has reaped an enormous amount of exposure for the RR from the ad and all the call backs. Somebody at the ad agency should be getting a big bonus this Christmas. A 1000cc bonus??

Here's Aprilia's answer

Here's the Vespa spoof.

Here's the original.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Dirt Bag Challenge

San Francisco always goes its own way. Brooklyn has the HoleShot/Detonation/Brand-X rally and the City By The Bay has the Dirt Bag Challenge. I don't want to get into a left coast vs right coast thing. Each one has the flavor of it's environment.

One of the things I like about the DBC is the builders challenge. 30 days, $1000, and it has to be ridden 4 miles around Hunter's Point. Oh, and no Harleys! Check out the rules. The pictures of past year's event show the usual collection of choppers and bobbers. There is also quite a collection of vintage bikes and everyday riders. Luckily, I just might be out there for this event. I'll post a full report.

Finally, what's not to like about a girl with a 996 bra?

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

The Way It Should Be

The Washington Backcountry Discovery Route is an example of what can happen when groups share and cooperate instead of dogmatically pursuing narrow agendas. The more people get out into the wilderness and experience all that it offers, the more the Green Taliban will be exposed for what they are.

Visit the Washington Backcountry Discovery Route website and check out the maps and descriptions. Now if they could hook up with the end of the TransAmerica Trail it would be even better! And then link up with the Continental Divide trail ...

Nov 2 - Vote Like A Motorcyclist!


Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Tiddler Pictures

Getting Ready To Go In The Morning

Here is the link to the MMM Tiddler Rally pictures with help from John and Bob. It was a huge success with over two dozen bikes from all over New England. People rode in small groups of 3-5 bikes at their own pace. Lunch was at Harry's Place, an old hamburger and ice cream stand from the '50's. After the ride everyone warmed up by the fireplace with Amy's excellent chili while Beth showed pictures from the Bonneville Adventure.

Next year there will be three Tiddler rides; Spring, 4th of July with Amy and Doug, and Fall with Beth and J. Details will be forth coming as they develop.

A Rider Never Stands So Tall
As When They Stoop To Ride A Small Bike

Monday, October 25, 2010

Triumph Tiger XC

One of the reasons that Triumph has increased their sales while practically everyone else's has fallen off is because they continually think outside the norms. Their cruiser has a parallel twin engine. Their sport bike has 675cc triple for better torque rather than the same old high strung 600cc 4-cylinder.

Now they are trying something really radical. They're making their adventure bike, the Tiger, smaller! Down from 1050cc to 800cc, hopefully with a concomitant reduction in weight. I comes in normal and XC versions, the XC conspicuous by it's handguards and 21" front wheel. 

Admittedly it looks way to GS-ish but time will tell when it hits the showroom floors soon.

If only KTM would release the 690 Adventure here in the U.S. Then there would be real rejoicing in Mudville.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Tiddler News

They're lining up already

Tiddler Route Sheets

I've driven the two routes for tomorrow's Tiddler Rally so often that I think I could do it with my eyes closed. I've checked, and rechecked, all the twists and turns, to make sure that every rider will stay on course and not get lost. I've tried to apply all the WTF?'s I've experienced following other route sheets so that people will not return wondering "What were you thinking here?"

To that end I've posted the route sheets here. However, the rules are:
  • No GPS
  • No iPods
  • No mobile phones (unless you need to be picked up but bonus points if you walk up to the nearest house and ask to use their phone).
Ride like it was 1966 - The Summer of Love 

Thursday, October 21, 2010

If You Got To Know Me ...

This is what the government of the UK does to help with motorcycle awareness. A great campaign to show that there's real people under the leathers and behind the face shields. Certainly a lot more creative than the bland "Motorcycles are everywhere" posters and bumper stickers you see here.

Not that it would have helped the biker who was killed by the drunken senator who was speeding or the rider who was killed by the woman who was painting her nails. Still, it might get people to past thinking that we're all morons with loud pipes and a sneer. It says, "Hey, we're regular people just like you. You'd like to have most of us over for tea sometime."

You can get a copy of the song from the artist here. This is the video of them making the video.


Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Mouse Tales

The only reason for mice to exist is to ensure that other critters don't go hungry. And to make sure that the air filter industry stays in full production. Above are the filters out of two NX250's and one Transalp. Notice that the Transalp filter is eaten in both sides!

The mice come in through the air box inlet and set up house keeping. They usually bring in a lot of extra debris to enhance the environment so that the bike is not only not getting filtered air, it is running as if on full choke because of all the extra crap blocking the passage. Damn them! We are looking at $75 of filters here!

Willert Home Prod. E20 Moth Balls

Moth balls are the anti-mouse deterrent. Mice hate moth balls! I hate mice so I usually buy a case at a time. I always pack my bikes with moth balls when I put them away for the winter. Not only are the air filters eaten away but the little pests chew through the wiring and everything else in sight. Not to mention the mess from them using the world as their toilet. Whoever says that animals don't foul their nests have never seen a mouse nest!

This year seems especially bad. If the bike sits even 2-3 days they will move in. Now I have to put moth balls in ALL the air boxes.

You have been warned! If your bike is running a little strange check the air filter. Who knows what strangers may be lurking there.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

More Tiddler News

It just keeps getting better. Over two dozen people from four states have told us they will be riding the MMM Tiddler Rally. WoHoo!

Here's a sample of the roads I've laid out for your enjoyment. 

As an added bonus a Cruise Night for hot rods and vintage cars will be held that same afternoon so we can go over after we get back and see some other sights.

Monday, October 18, 2010

MMM Tiddler Ride and Wonder Woman

It just might be coincidence but this Sunday's MMM Tiddler Ride is also the date of Wonder Woman Day! We just might see a glass airship flying overhead with a raven haired beauty watching our progress.

Lynda Carter is now pursuing a career as a jazz singer and is looking as hot as ever. The sounds from her web site are pretty nice and I'm looking forward to seeing her when she comes to Boston.


Sunday, October 17, 2010

Berkshire Update

Here's Adam's update on yesterday's ride with more details than I had. I've sent him a note on how to spell my name (J. not "Jay"). Since he was such an excellent host and ride leader he won't be flogged.