While Boston pulic radio stations are whining about veggies and fat kids. The Salt Lake City station KUER is featuring a motorcycle racer from Japan.
Who knows, if this keeps up I might even start donating again.
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Thoughts about motorcycles, tools that work (or don't), travel, and occasionally politics. Places I've gone, routes that were special, and food I've found along the way. And, thankfully, not too much of any of it.
Sunday, August 16, 2015
Wednesday, June 24, 2015
Rush Hour in Salt Lake City
I'm posting this to taunt my Boston friends.
I made this video around 8:15 this morning on I-295. I-215 is equivalent to Rt-128 around Boston. Just set the cruise control to 72mph, then sit back and relax! None of the stress of Massachusetts traffic!
A week ago, on my way to the airport in Boston to get to SLC, I allowed 4 hours for a normal 2 hour trip and I still missed my plane because of traffic on the Mass Pike! People in SLC don't speed, cut each other off, drive like idiots, or hog the fast lane. They just drive like reasonable human beings.
One more reason I think I made the right choice moving here!
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Monday, June 15, 2015
A new adventure
All the t's have been crossed and all the i's have been dotted. I'm on my way to Reno tonight and then off to Salt Lake City tomorrow. I might even have a place to stay when I get there.
A rocky start with the car but it's running fine now. Things are looking good!
All I'm missing is my OTL!!
Sunday, May 31, 2015
Another day at the races
The Murdercycles MiniBike Throwdown 23 was filled with thrills and spills.
Luckily the minibike is ok! And so is the rider who walked away laughing.
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Luckily the minibike is ok! And so is the rider who walked away laughing.
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Saturday, May 23, 2015
Double take
Although totally a Pepsi person I have to give Coke a gold star for this one!
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Let's take an extra second | Experiment
Tomémonos un segundo para destruir los prejuicios. Creado por Cyranos McCann para Coca Cola.Enjoy!
Posted by Redactores Publicitarios on Wednesday, May 20, 2015
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Saturday, May 16, 2015
Voluntown Fire Dept & EMT Fund Raiser
The Voluntown Fire Dept is the first responder for much of the Pachaug trail system. This is something I found out the hard way a few days ago. The EMTs came and got me and hauled me off to Backus Hospital. First rate care! They took my bike to the fire station and kept it until my brother would pick it up for me.
What was amazing is that they told me there was No Charge for any of it. The EMTs, the ambulance ride, the bike pickup and storage, NOTHING!! You can't get any better than that.
On Saturday, June 6th, they are having a Steak Dinner Fund Raiser. $15 for dinner. It starts at 6pm in the afternoon. The address is 205 Preston City Rd (Rt 165), Voluntown, CT 06384 which is just south of where 138, 165, and 49 cross.
My buddies and I will be attending and I urge everyone who rides Pachaug to add it to their schedule. We should support those who support us.
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Sunday, May 10, 2015
Take a break before you break something!
Inspector Harry Callahan (Clint Eastwood) said "A man's got to know his limitations"
Continuing to ride when you know you're exhausted is a good way for things to end badly!
Thanks to the Voluntown EMT Squad for taking good care of me!
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Friday, May 1, 2015
Vintage parts disconnect
I go to the Honda shop to get some parts for a 1964 Honda C100 Super Cub I'm restoring.
The parts person is a young guy who is eager to help but is a little confused by my requests. Trying to be concilitory I say, "That's OK, this bike was made before you were born.
He looks back with a grin and says, "Hey, that model was made before my parents were born!"
We both laughed at that one and I'll bet he's telling his friends just like I'm telling you.
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The parts person is a young guy who is eager to help but is a little confused by my requests. Trying to be concilitory I say, "That's OK, this bike was made before you were born.
He looks back with a grin and says, "Hey, that model was made before my parents were born!"
We both laughed at that one and I'll bet he's telling his friends just like I'm telling you.
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Friday, April 24, 2015
Larz Anderson Motorcycle Exhibit
The Larz Anderson Museum in Boston is showing a new exhibit of motorcycles titled Beauty of the Beast beginning 8 May. Sounds like Art of the Motorcycle Boston Style.
This museum focuses solely on motor cars and cycles, both antique and modern. Their lawn exhibit days are a special joy.
Here is part of the announcement.
See you there!
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This museum focuses solely on motor cars and cycles, both antique and modern. Their lawn exhibit days are a special joy.
Here is part of the announcement.
The new exhibit will be exploring the motorcycle from an artistic, historic, mechanical and cultural perspective will open to the public on May 8th. The exhibit will examine the life history of the motorcycle, from the pioneering 1800’s era – when an engine was simply bolted to a bicycle – through the present day technological and artistic triumphs achieved by manufacturers in Asia, Europe and the United States, leading to a shift in cultural perceptions, and a world-wide fan base of enthusiasts.There will be a special Opening Party on 7 May from 6-10 if you would like dinner and a preview showing. They usually let you wander about more freely at these events in case you want to look a little closer at the bikes.
See you there!
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Wednesday, April 22, 2015
Honda shows a 250 adventure bike prototype
An article in ADVPulse reveals a prototype 250 Adventure bike from Honda based on the highly regarded CRF250L.
This looks pretty exciting but I'm still waiting for the new Africa Twin!
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Monday, April 20, 2015
Something more to contemplate
A while ago I offered a couple of quotes to think about. I started writing a post to discuss my thoughts but was quickly overwhelmed by where it took me. It still sits in my Drafts folder as a struggle to bring it into focus.
In the meantime I came across this quote in an article by James Clear. It extends my thinking on this subject; that we seem in such a rush to get nowhere.
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In the meantime I came across this quote in an article by James Clear. It extends my thinking on this subject; that we seem in such a rush to get nowhere.
“One is weary of living in the country and moves to the city; one is weary of one’s native land and goes abroad; one is weary of Europe and goes to America, etc.; one indulges in the fanatical hope of an endless journey from star to star…One is weary of eating on porcelain and eats on silver; wearying of that, one eats on gold.”
—Soren Kierkegaard
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Thursday, April 16, 2015
Free Trials Training Classes
Admit it, you've always wanted to ride a trials bike. Who wouldn't want to be able to wheelie and bunny hop a motorcycle!?
You can find signup info here. Send an email to NETA Prez Charles Gray <cegray51@yahoo.com> and he will send you the signup form. I'll be riding the May event in Meriden CT. Come join me or attend any of the other clinics.
Don't forget that the USA round of the Trials Championship will be held in Rhode Island this year. These guys are even better than all those YouTube videos! Taking the NETA class will expand your appreciation for these riders. Plus you'll be able to dazzle and amaze your friends with all your new knowledge of scoring and technique.
Warning: Trials riding can become very addictive!
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New England Trials Assn is holding free trials clinics and will even loan you a bike to ride. How cool is that!? Or how crazy?
You can find signup info here. Send an email to NETA Prez Charles Gray <cegray51@yahoo.com> and he will send you the signup form. I'll be riding the May event in Meriden CT. Come join me or attend any of the other clinics.
Don't forget that the USA round of the Trials Championship will be held in Rhode Island this year. These guys are even better than all those YouTube videos! Taking the NETA class will expand your appreciation for these riders. Plus you'll be able to dazzle and amaze your friends with all your new knowledge of scoring and technique.
Warning: Trials riding can become very addictive!
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Tuesday, April 14, 2015
First Ride Of The Season
After a depressingly cold and snowy winter the sun has finally appeared and turned the snow banks into bike friendly mud.
Bob, Dave, and I did a pre-ride of the Pachaug Big Bike/Adventure Loop on Sunday and had a blast! Dave was on a XR650L, Bob on a DRZ400, and I rode my ATK 605. This is in preparation for publishing the loop route sheet for the NETRA BB/A Series.
Reminder: Don't forget about Jap Bike Mike's Swap Meet on Sunday the 19th!
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Bob, Dave, and I did a pre-ride of the Pachaug Big Bike/Adventure Loop on Sunday and had a blast! Dave was on a XR650L, Bob on a DRZ400, and I rode my ATK 605. This is in preparation for publishing the loop route sheet for the NETRA BB/A Series.
I was happily surprised that there was
not as much mud on the trails as I had expected. On the other hand there was some snow on the
ground next to the trail in a couple of places. One puddle had
mini-icebergs floating in it!
Those pesky electrons! |
The sunny, 60F weather was perfect for riding and we kept up a good pace. Best of all, no injuries and no major breakdowns. My main fuse blew but it was quickly replaced and no other problems were experienced.
Dave, going up the hill! |
We're doing it again this Saturday. Be There or Be Square!
Reminder: Don't forget about Jap Bike Mike's Swap Meet on Sunday the 19th!
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Saturday, March 28, 2015
Low $$ trip to Alaska
My friend Hermann sent me this.
A BMW F800 GS for $90 / day from San Francisco to Anchorage. A fast check shows a United flight from Anchorage to Boston for $212!
Major adventure for low bucks! Book now or cry later.
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Monday, February 23, 2015
Modern devices - Will they last?
Two more questions to go on my database final exam. In the meantime I came across this quote about telephones which are celebrating the 100th anniversary of the first transcontinental call. You can read the complete article on modern technologies and whether they'll last here.
"can I simply point out the irony of the text message? Bell invented the telephone so we could hear each other's real voices instead of sending short, clipped messaged via telegram. For over 75 years, we have long intimate conversations on this device. Now we take the smartphone, the most powerful communication device ever invented, and turn it into a glorified telegraph machine sending shorter messages than Western Union. Seriously?"
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Sunday, February 22, 2015
Something to contemplate
While I'm finishing up a database certification course this week and digging out all of the @#$%! global warming in my driveway I've been thinking of why we do the things we do.
Until I get back in a couple of days I'd like you to think about these two quotes.
The mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation. What is called resignation is confirmed desperation. From the desperate city you go into the desperate country, and have to console yourself with the bravery of minks and muskrats. A stereotyped but unconscious despair is concealed even under what are called the games and amusements of mankind. There is no play in them, for this comes after work. But it is a characteristic of wisdom not to do desperate things.”
from Thoreau's Walden
Alas for those that never sing,But die with all their music in them.
My thoughts on this in a couple of days.from Oliver Wendell Holmes' "The Voiceless"
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Thursday, February 19, 2015
Man Glamping
My friend Jason sent me this video of the Wilderness Collective going for a bike ride.
I can't embed the video so I'll just post the link. Watch it here.
Jason dared me to watch the whole thing. I only made it through about 30 seconds before experiencing nausea and vertigo. If he said 'Man' or 'Men' one more time I was sure I was going to pass out.
384 miles in 84 hours!! Wow, that's an average of 4 miles per hour. Pretty MANLY!! That meal looks like they ravaged the brie and Chablis section of Whole Foods.
Not to dis my queer friends but isn't a bunch of guys all wearing matching boots, helmets, and hoodies a little gay?
This link will take you to the comments of the group that reposted the video after the original comments were closed. The cheers and jeers are pretty funny and well deserved.
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I can't embed the video so I'll just post the link. Watch it here.
Jason dared me to watch the whole thing. I only made it through about 30 seconds before experiencing nausea and vertigo. If he said 'Man' or 'Men' one more time I was sure I was going to pass out.
384 miles in 84 hours!! Wow, that's an average of 4 miles per hour. Pretty MANLY!! That meal looks like they ravaged the brie and Chablis section of Whole Foods.
Not to dis my queer friends but isn't a bunch of guys all wearing matching boots, helmets, and hoodies a little gay?
This link will take you to the comments of the group that reposted the video after the original comments were closed. The cheers and jeers are pretty funny and well deserved.
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Monday, February 9, 2015
Did I choose the wrong bike for my trip?
This video has caused some doubts in my mind.
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Saturday, February 7, 2015
An award
Last night I was given the Rider of the Year award by the British Iron Association of CT. This was for my ride from Calif. to Conn. which was documented in this blog. The presentation was made at the annual Cabin Fever dinner party.
However, it was not without the usual mishaps of my life as you can see above. The real plaque is locked in one of the members' truck. The lock was frozen from the recent storm and the plaque trapped inside. Or so they say ...
In it's place I received the made to order dinner plate you see above with the Mr Beth inscription. Beth is the social maven of the family and I'm just her humble servant.
It is a very nice award and I've been assured that I'll get the real thing at the next meeting. What inscription it will contain is still a mystery. I'll post a followup when I get it.
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Mr Beth is always happy to be recognized |
However, it was not without the usual mishaps of my life as you can see above. The real plaque is locked in one of the members' truck. The lock was frozen from the recent storm and the plaque trapped inside. Or so they say ...
In it's place I received the made to order dinner plate you see above with the Mr Beth inscription. Beth is the social maven of the family and I'm just her humble servant.
It is a very nice award and I've been assured that I'll get the real thing at the next meeting. What inscription it will contain is still a mystery. I'll post a followup when I get it.
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Wednesday, February 4, 2015
Equipment - Luggage - Another Voice
In my last post I mentioned the Giant Loop Coyote bag that I used on my last trip through the Copper Canyons. ADVPulse has done an excellent comparison of the Wolfman and Giant Loop bags. You can read it here.
I own products from both these companies and they are always at the top of my list whenever I buy new equipment. They are well built and designed with real world trail riding in mind. They may not win the farkle contest at the Friday night tavern races but I guarantee you'll love them out on the trail.
Good Job ADVPulse.
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