Saturday, January 9, 2021

Day 53 - Vintage

Click here for a little light hearted fun. Something we all need right now!

The battle rages on. No, not that battle, a really important one. Namely, what constitutes “Vintage”.

When I was in high school my dad had a Packard that he thought was absolutely the greatest. I thought it was a Jurassic relic. It was over 20 years old!!!

Now I'm riding a bike I bought new while at UConn in '89. I don't consider it vintage and yet it's over 30 years old! The same number of years I've been married and I certainly wouldn't tell my wife she's vintage!

The current object of concern is the Honda Trail 90. Originally brought out over 50 years ago it has been re-released as the Trail 125.

Same look, same function, virtually the same price. Some of the purists are claiming that this is not vintage and should be banned from club events. Riders who have bought the new model claim that it is very much in the spirit of the original and should be accepted on an equal basis. 

If drum brakes were appropriate for the '71 model then what's the problem with disk brakes which is current technology? Honda would have used disks back then if they had them so the reasoning goes.

My '89 Transalp has a disk in the front and a drum brake in the rear so it straddles the issue. Personally, I just want to go for a ride!

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